Pontifical Institute of Sacred Liturgy

The Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome, located at Sant'Anselmo on the Aventine Hill, promotes the study of the Sacred Liturgy. It is entrusted to the Benedictine Confederation, and has the role of training professors of liturgy and liturgical experts to advance the study and teaching of the Church's liturgy in the various parts of the world. The Dean of the PIL is Prof Ephrem Carr OSB of St. Meinrad Archabbey, Indiana, USA, elected December 2008 for four years. Members of his Council are Prof Mgr Renato De Zan of the Diocese of Pordenone, Prof. James Leachman OSB of Ealing Abbey, London and Prof. Giuseppe Midili, OCD, also elected for a four year term.


English language programme

Ever since the 1990s successive presidi (deans) of the PIL have tried to establish English-language programmes of PIL courses in the US in order to provide access for English and Spanish-speaking students, first with the University of Chicago, and later with the St Thomas University, Miami, but these have not yet borne fruit. Similar attempts to initiate an English-language liturgy summer school at Sant’Anselmo in Rome have not yet matured.

At the behest of the Dean of the PIL, the board of the Institutum Liturgicum in Anglia et Cambria have now requested the Catholic University of Leuven to give validation to the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy courses, now taught in Italian in Rome, which shall be offered in English at the Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing Abbey in London as a "feeder" programme of studies.


The Council of the Preside endorsed the Publishing Project "Documenta Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Instaurata", directors Frs James Leachman OSB [1] and Daniel McCarthy OSB [2] in March 2008

On Thursday 12 November 2009 the Council of the Preside of the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy accepted the proposal of the board of the "Institutum Liturgicum in Anglia et Cambria"[3] to organise the teaching of some PIL courses in the UK, beginning Summer 2011 for a period of five years.[4] The Preside, Fr Ephrem Carr recommended that courses be additionally accredited at a different Pontifical University.

Distinguished alumni


External links